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Mendo Lake Family Life

Art Blooms at Botanical Gardens

Nature has inspired artists for eons. So it makes sense to hold an art show in a natural setting. Enter Art in the Gardens at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens in Fort Bragg. The event will feature a variety of fine art, including weavings, jewelry, painting, pottery, photography, clocks, glass, woodcuts, and more. For those who want to make, as well as buy, art, there will be workshops in paper collage, basketry, and painting, including a kids’ acrylic painting class for ages 9 and older. New Nashville West, the Real Sarahs with Alex de Grassi, Moon Rabbit, and Mama Grows Funk will perform live music throughout the event, which will be held August 6–7, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Admission is $15 for ages 6–14, $25 for ages 15 and older, and free for ages 5 and younger. Find out more information and purchase tickets at