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Mendo Lake Family Life

Mom of Twin Wins

By Cheryl Maguire

Admitting I am a mom to twins usually elicits a myriad questions:

Who was born first?

Are they identical?

Do twins run in your family?

How do you manage?

I had no idea how fascinated people are by twins until I became a mom of twins. And people are even more intrigued by twin babies. Maybe it’s because they can’t comprehend how to take care of two babies at once. 

Whatever the case, when mine were newborns, I couldn’t even go to the grocery store without strangers approaching me to get a closer look at the twins. They would peer inside the double stroller and then start rattling off a list of questions. Sometimes I felt like I was warding off the paparazzi and would try to run toward the nearest exit. 

Now that my twins are older, no one even knows they are twins since they are a boy and girl and don’t look alike. Although that doesn’t stop people from asking, “Are they identical?” when they find out they are twins—who don’t even look alike. My son and daughter also don’t acknowledge each other in school, so some people don’t even know they are siblings.

I wrote this top 10 list when they were babies—for me it was a more challenging time to be a parent than now. I still feel this way, but some of the statements are more relevant to when they were little (they are now 14 years old). I would also add to the list they can help each other with their homework since I definitely don’t remember eighth grade math equations or other similar school-related things!

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Being a Mom of Twins

10. Only one pregnancy, for two babies—talk about a two-for-one deal!

9. I don’t have to worry about what I look like, everyone is too busy staring at the adorable twins.

8. Needless to say, no one expects me to arrive on time.

7. After having twins, I feel like I can handle anything … twice!

6. I only need to plan and pay for one birthday party for two kids.

5. After potty training twins, my fear of germs is officially a thing of the past.

4. They have been sharing since they were in the womb—no teaching necessary (OK, this might be a stretch but, in theory, it helps).

3. Twin discounts (Who knew companies sometimes offer “duplicate birth discounts?” From formula to photography, it pays to research twin deals!)

2. Everyone opens the door for us.

And the No. 1 reason I love being a mom of twins is …

1. Daily affirmations from strangers that my hands are, indeed, full!

Happy Mother’s Day to moms of multiples and singles, too!

Cheryl Maguire holds a Master of Counseling Psychology degree. She is married and is the mother of twins and a daughter. You can find her on X @CherylMaguire05.