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Mendo Lake Family Life

The Most Romantic Rock You’ve Ever Met

A couple of years ago, while traveling back from Shasta with her boyfriend of four years, our features editor made a pit stop in Redding, where she found a curious object sitting on top of a toilet paper dispenser: a small, oval rock on which was painted a Saturn-like planet bearing the message, “If you like her, put a ring on her finger.” It was a sign. Bounding out of the restroom, she went back to the car and thrust the rock in front of her beloved’s eyes. “See! The Universe wants us to get married!” With a look resembling a deer in headlights, the man in question said…nothing, followed by “That’s what you think!” Ah, she anticipated such a response from her matrimony-adverse partner. But she kept the stone-oracle anyway. Following the instructions on the back of it (“keep me or hide me”), she took it home and nestled it in unexpected places—her boyfriend’s sock drawer, under his pillow, behind the ketchup in the refrigerator—so he wouldn’t forget its invitation. We’ll let readers know if he ever takes up the Universe on its suggestion. But in the meantime, folks who would like to create their own message-on-a-rock may check out the Afternoon Crafting: Painted Rocks workshop at the Mendocino County Museum in Willits. The free class will be held on January 4, 1–3 p.m., and will provide all necessary materials (even to commitment-phobes). See for more information.