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Mendo Lake Family Life

Camp Out Under the Perseids

One hundred and thirty-three years. That’s how long it takes for the Swift-Tuttle comet to orbit the sun. And every time it does, it leaves behind lingering debris. When the Earth’s atmosphere passes through this debris, the Perseid meteor showers fill up the sky. The firey celestial show can be seen in the predawn hours through August 24. In honor of the annual astronomical event, Mendocino Magic will host a campout August 12–14 at its campground in Laytonville. On the evening of August 13, guests will be invited to watch the showers with telescopes at Methuselah’s Observatory; tea and miso soup will be served. Camping reservations are $75–$175; tickets for August 13 only are $25 for youth and $45 for adults. Find out more and purchase tickets at Learn more about the showers at