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Mendo Lake Family Life

The Hungry Ghosts Are Coming

In the United States, ghosts are part of Halloween lore. But in East Asian countries the Hungry Ghost Festival is held during the middle of the seventh month of the lunar year: August. It’s a special time when the ancestors are allowed to leave their otherworldly abodes and eat; it’s also a time dedicated to the restoration of peace and balance. Children can get a taste of the celebration at the Children’s Festival of the Hungry Ghosts in Mendocino. Promoted by Mendocino’s Temple Kwan Tai, one of the oldest Chinese temples in California, the festival will give kids a chance to catapult a ghost and make a dragon-head mask, a dragon glider, and even a pop-up Great Wall. The festival will be held on August 13, 1–3 p.m., at the Community Center in Mendocino and is free; those who make a donation will be entered into a raffle for a mini dragon figurine. Find out more at