Children’s Eye Health

By Cheryl Maguire
"You need glasses,” the ophthalmologist said to me when I was 12 years old. My mom was shocked since I never complained of unclear vision and no one else in our family had poor eyesight. I’d only gone to the doctor after failing the school eye screening exam. (My vision had become gradually worse so I didn’t realize it wasn’t normal.)
I remember when I first wore glasses thinking, “Everything seems so clear and crisp. I can see the tips of leaves on a tree and easily read street signs.” I had thought it was normal to see the world a little bit blurry!
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. This issue is important to me since my vision has significantly declined from the time of my initial diagnosis more than 30 years ago. Even though I am nearsighted (which means I can only see close up and need glasses for far away), without my glasses or contact lenses, I wouldn’t be able to read anything on a Word document (it’s just a white blur with black lines) since my vision is so poor. I asked my eye doctor if I’m considered legally blind. Turns out I’m not since my vision can still be corrected with glasses.
According to the CDC 6.8 percent of children younger than 18 in the U.S. have a diagnosed eye and vision condition, with Amblyopia (lazy eye) the most common cause of vision loss in children which can be treated if caught between the ages of 3-5 years old.
The website found the most common vision disorders in children are myopia (nearsightedness/trouble seeing far away), hyperopia (farsightedness/trouble seeing close up), and astigmatism (blurry vision at all distances).
The Urban Child Institute states that correcting poor vision can foster a child’s cognitive and social development. The American Optometric Association estimates 80 percent of a child’s learning happens through observation. In the classroom, most of the teaching is done by displaying the information. Children learn social skills from seeing facial expressions and body language.
Similar to my experience, children may be unaware their vision isn’t normal. This may lead to feeling frustrated about being unable to see the words in a book or on the board in the classroom causing a child to act out.
“Some children with learning difficulties exhibit specific behaviors of hyperactivity and distractibility. These children are often labeled as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),” The American Optometric Association stated. “However, undetected and untreated vision problems can elicit some of the very same signs and symptoms commonly attributed to ADHD. Due to these similarities, some children may be mislabeled as having ADHD when, in fact, they have an undetected vision problem.”
The following are signs a child could have vision issues:
1. Head tilt: If your child has a problem with their ocular muscles or nerves they will attempt to compensate by tilting their head.
2. Sitting too close to the TV. If your child is nearsighted, they will attempt to compensate for this by moving closer to the TV or reading materials.
3. Avoidance of reading: If your child has poor visual skills they will compensate by avoiding reading. Reading uses many complex eye movements and poor visual skills may cause your child to become frustrated easily.
4. Frequent headaches: Your child may have headaches because he/she is overstrained using their energy to align, focus, and use their eyes.
5. Laterality problem: If your child has poor directional skills and often confuses left and right it could be due to poor vision.
6. Finger pointing: If your child has poor vision tracking skills they may use their finger to compensate.
7. Can’t copy from the board: Your child may have difficulty with the ability to change focus between far and near.
8. Squinting: This narrows a bundle of light entering the eye which allows for sharper vision.
9. Poor hand/eye coordination: This skill is required for everything from writing notes in class to playing ball with friends.
10. Eye rubbing: This is a basic response to ocular discomfort. It typically occurs when one’s eyes are strained or have been working much too hard to complete a task.
If your child is experiencing one of these symptoms, consider scheduling an eye exam. There are two different types of eye doctors, ophthalmologists and optometrists. An ophthalmologist went to medical school and had a one-year internship followed by a three-year residency. These types of doctors can provide total eye care services.
An optometrist did not attend medical school. Instead, these types of doctors went to a four-year professional program and received a doctor of optometry degree. Optometrists mostly prescribe glasses and contact lenses. Due to my poor vision and the fact I have had other vision issues, I go to an ophthalmologist every two years for a checkup.
Even though my mother didn’t think I would need glasses as a child, she took me to see the eye doctor. I’m grateful she did.
Cheryl Maguire holds a Master of Counseling Psychology degree. She is married and is the mother of twins and a daughter. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, National Geographic, Washington Post, Parents Magazine, and many other publications. She is a professional member of ASJA. You can find her on X @CherylMaguire05