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Mendo Lake Family Life

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Premium/Sponsored Listing Example

Your Address
Your City, CA 95482

This is a Premium/Sponsored Listing (so it appears at the top of the category as well as in the main listings below). Use this space to write a long description. Your name above, and your logo can link to your website, or use this page as your website.

1. You can make this your online brochure or use it as your website.
2. You can add color, different font faces, and  bigger font size, etc.

3. You can also place multiple photos

4. You can have multiple links; to your website, to you e-mail, to utube video if you like.

5. If you want to be a Sponsor of a category (at the top also) there is an additional fee.

Family Life Wins National Awards

Family-Life wins the coveted Gold Award for Web Site General Excellence

"The best regional family/parenting website, in the nation, in its class," according to the Parenting Publications of America.

...You can even use  'rotating gifs' where the image changes.

6. You can make it easy to go to different pages on your website by using multiple links to go directly to important information.

For instance you could click here to go directly to information about
this national award winning website.

And here to find out about our
Family Expo & Camp Fair.

And here to find out about our
Family & Kid Fest.

And here to find out about our annual Baby & Child Fair.

And here to
contact us.

7. In addition, a sponsor directory can easily be placed in more than one list, making it more cost effective. So you could be in multiple categories like Parties, Afterschool, and Day Camps. This makes it easier for people to find you, and reminds then of the variety of services that you offer.